Wabi Robe

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The Wabi Robe follows like the Wabi Tote, the Japanese principle of Wabi Sabi, which is the appreciation of transience and imperfections. Each robe is made from the off-cuts (the waste) from second-hand materials (old Kimono, Haori, Obi or unused vintage materials) that have been used for the making of other garments (the Suka jacket).

Each scrap of fabric left from cutting other garments was kept aside in order to waste nothing. The lining fabric of the robe is the lining of the original kimonos, and in majority is also silk.

Each Robe is unique and there is no other like it in the entire world.

A Robe features a multitude of materials, some natural (silk/cotton), some synthetic, nonetheless all special. Each Robe features two patch pockets on each front panel, a belt, and no other fastening devices.

Each Robe comes with a companionship letter.

Wabi Robe #2

Robe from silk patches left after marking the Suka jackets

lei6,750.00 (~1350 EUR)

This unique Wabi Robe gathers a selection of dark fabrics: a large variety of silks and some mixed weaves. Every piece comes from cutting Suka Jackets and through this patchwork no waste is produce. This robe is also gender fluid, like any other Made With Time item. It is size M (men) / L (women) and will require to be dry-cleaned, otherwise some of its fabrics might shrink and deform its surface. This robe took about 36 hours of making.

1 in stock